"Get Lit with Moleskine Passion Journal: A Book Journal for the Modern Read

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If you're like me, you've got a massive TBR and don't always remember which books you've read and which ones you haven't. That's where the Moleskine Passion Journal comes in clutch! This book journal is perfect for keeping track of all your reads, complete with structured sections to jot down your thoughts and quotes. Plus, the hardcover and steel blue color give it a sleek, professional look.

As a creative writer, I appreciate the space provided to write down story prompts and creative writing ideas. And as a business writer, I find the section for analytical essays and argumentative writing helpful for brainstorming topics. The Moleskine Passion Journal truly has something for everyone!

- Structured sections for different types of writing
- Professional, sleek design
- 400 pages to last you a long time
- Great for creative and business writers alike

- Steel blue may not be everyone's preferred color
- A bit pricey compared to other book journals on the market

Overall, the Moleskine Passion Journal is a great investment for any avid reader or writer. It's perfect for keeping track of your reads and jotting down creative writing prompts or business ideas. The pros definitely outweigh the cons, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to up their reading and writing game.

Bottom line: Get lit with Moleskine Passion Journal and keep track of your reads like a pro. 8/10 stars.

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